In an odd series of events, we played our Wii again for the first time in years. We had a lot of fun bowling and my son discovered how hard Wii golf can really be, but then he cleaned us up on the tennis court. He was a baby in the heyday of our Wii so he doesn't remember much. And let's not talk about Just Dance Kids.
The Wii was clever in it's design and controls. But this post isn't to wax poetically about this game console. Instead, it's an artifact of our family history.
While my son was young in our Wii-hey-day, my now-teenaged daughter was in the thick of it. Opening up and looking at the Mii's we got to see all the avatars she made over the years. Most of them were blonde girls name "Lily" but there were other names too. There were Harry Potter characters. There were also Miis named after foster kids we hand in our home… and Miis made by uncles who visited as well as by myself. My Daddy Duff Mii is still one of my favorites.
It was a weird bit of nostalgia to see all those old Miis running around. And then go bowling with them.